Juried Contests

Walkthrough Schedule and Protocols

  • S&R – Sustainability and Resilience, A&ID – Architecture and Interior Design, E&C – Engineering and Construction, C&M – Communications and Marketing, MP – Market Potential
  • The C&M walkthroughs take place in a meeting room in Los Alamitos (HQ); other walkthroughs take place on your house lot and in your house.
  • On Thu, Oct 5, the C&M jury will be present for the 2 p.m. project pitches (3 minutes max per team) and will observe the first several hours of guided public tours starting at 3 p.m.
  • On Fri, Oct 6, the C&M jury will meet with each team for 15 minutes in Los Alamitos to discuss your digital presence and communications and marketing activities that have taken place or are taking place off the competition site (i.e., on campus, in the community, online, etc.). It is the team’s responsibility to show up for its appointment with the jury; please show up 5-10 minutes early and wait in the central Los Alamitos lounge (white furniture) for your appointment.
  • On Mon, Oct 9 and Tues, Oct 10, the S&R, A&ID, E&C, and MP juries will rotate around the village for their walkthroughs with each team. Team members will be with the jurors for the first 25 minutes of the walkthrough to present the project to the jury, answer the jury’s questions, and have a conversation with the jury. After 25 minutes, the team members will be asked to leave the lot so the jury can have 5-10 minutes of private time on the lot and in the model home.
  • At each designated walkthrough start time on Oct 9 and 10, be ready to greet the jury at the entrance to your lot.
  • Per Rule 11.6, the decathletes must lead the walkthrough interactions with the juries, but non-decathletes (mentors, advisors, etc.) may help the decathletes answer particularly challenging questions. 90-95% of the interactions with the juries should be conducted by the decathletes. The jurors are all aware of this rule and will help us enforce it.
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Our Jurors

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