Current Version
Archived Versions
Version History
Significant Updates
- In Contest 3, removed the explicit requirement for “energy results and discussion” because it is not a separate deliverable
- In the bulleted note regarding documentation in Contest 7 and Contest 8, added “may assess penalties” for emphasis
- Revised Rule 3.2 to allow up to two team members to hold a particular officer title and added a requirement that one be identified as “primary” and the other as “secondary
- In Rule 3.3c, removed the “ANSI Z41 PT99 or equivalent” footwear requirement and added a requirement for “cut resistant gloves (ANSI cut level A2 or better)”
- Revised Rule 4.2d to allow one passenger vehicle in the village instead of two vehicles
- In Rule 4.5, added generator restriction and made site/lot lighting responsibilities clearer
- Restricted entrance and exit route options in Rule 6.2
- Revised Rule 8.1 to reflect final competition site conditions
- In Rule 9.3b, restricted use of team-provided liquids for irrigation to assembly and disassembly only
- Revised Rules 9.4 and 9.5 to reflect final competition site conditions
- Added Rule 11.6 to clarify the respective roles of decathlete team members and non-decathlete team members
Minor Updates
- Added a mention of the OCSD app to the Benefits > On-site Experience and Online Outreach section on Page ii
- Changed jury coordinator to jury assistant in the Definitions
- In Table 2, clarified that the HERS and HERSH2O ratings are projected
- In Contest 3, added “drawings” and “diagrams” to “specifications”
- In Item 1 of the Contest 4 core criteria, removed “for the OCSD23 website” for clarity
- In Rule 4.3, added that explicit approval is required to penetrate the competition site surface
- In Rule 4.6, clarified spill containment rules.
- Revised max elevation change in Rule 4.7
- In Rule 6.3d, changed “permanent” to “target market” for clarity
- Changed the language in Rule 9.1 for clarity
- Changed the language in Rule 9.5d for clarity
- In Rule 10.1 clarified that team crewmembers are not required to register
- Revised Rule 10.1a(ii) for clarity
- Simplified Rule 10.1b and removed photo requirement
Significant Updates
- Removed the Shared Experiences Contest
- Added the Market Potential Contest as the new Contest 5 and changed the contest numbers of the last five contests
- Updated Table 2: Competition Structure to reflect contest changes
- In Contest 4 Communications and Marketing, removed text related to market potential and made some minor changes to the contest description and criteria text
- Added Contest 5 Market Potential; most of the description and criteria are new, but some text is taken from Contest 4 Communications and Marketing
- In 2.7 Penalties, added “missing deadlines” and “failing to promptly respond to organizer requests” as infractions that may be penalized
- In Table 3: Team officers for participating OCSD23 teams, revised the responsibilities for the Safety Officer
- In 4.2 Construction Equipment, revised Rule d to restrict the applicability of the two-vehicle maximum to the village, not to the entire competition site
- In 4.3 Ground Penetration, changed “may be” to “is” because teams are permitted to drive ground rods into the village surface without being liable for damage
- In 6.2a, changed “the main street” to “a main village street” because the village has multiple main streets; further clarification will be provided soon
- Revised 9.1 Competition Site Constraints, 9.4 Water Delivery, and 9.5 Water Removal to reflect the organizers’ new plan to deliver water to and remove water from the model home’s containers by request throughout contest week
- Changed 10.2 Event Sponsor Recognition to 10.2 Using the OCSD23 Brand and rewrote the text to reflect Rule 10.2‘s new intent, which is simply to make sure the OCSD23 Brand is used correctly
- Revised 10.3 Team Sponsor Recognition to remove the requirement that recognition of team sponsors must appear in conjunction with the OCSD23 brand, to clearly explain the original intent of the rule, and to specify how to comply with the rule
- Removed 11.2 House Operators, although a new rule may be added later to clarify that the organizers prefer for team projects to be decathlete-led and that non-decathletes must not dominate activities and communications on the competition site
- Added a “reasonable accommodations” provision to 11.3a
- Added 11.3e, which permits teams to sell items on their lots
Minor Updates
- Changed most defined terms from proper nouns to common nouns
- Removed Organization from definitions; the term organizers will be used instead
- Added Program Director and Competition Director to definitions; removed Director and Competition Manager from definitions
- Added competition host to definitions
- Changed the definition of decathlete
- Removed Decisions on OCSD23 Rules from definitions
- Added Event Director to definitions
- Added housing unit to definitions
- Added plant to definitions
- Changed the definition of project
- Removed Safety Officer from definitions
- Changed Team Crew to team crewmember in definitions
- Added team lot to definitions
- Added village to definitions
- Used the terms model home and housing unit where appropriate instead of the ambiguous words “house” or “home”
- In Contest 1 Sustainability and Resilience, Contest 2 Architecture and Interior Design, Contest 3 Engineering and Construction, moved a criterion from the innovation criteria to the main contest criteria and made some minor changes to the contest description and criteria text
- In Contest 6 Innovation, made some minor changes to the contest description and criteria text
- In 9.1 Whole House Systems, changed “PV/batteries” to “power generation and storage”
- In Section III General Rules, added an exception regarding the applicability of the general rules to the model home
- In 2.4 Official Communications, made changes to Items a-d that more accurately reflect actual OCSD23 communications methods and protocols
- Changed 2.5 Decisions on Rules to 2.5 Rules Decisions
- In 2.7 Penalties, added overall competition score penalties to the list of penalty types
- In 2.8a, changed the time range during which protests may be submitted
- In 2.8 Protests, removed the old Rule d.(vii) because OCSD23 does not have a dedicated “Scorekeeper”
- Changed 3.2 Contact Information to 3.2 Team Officers
- Changed 5.1 Lot Size to 5.1 Lot Dimensions
- Changed Rule 7 Vegetation to Rule 7 Plants and revised the text to broaden and clarify the allowed uses of plants
- Revised 7.1 Placement for clarity
- Removed 8.2 PV Technology Limitations
- In 9.1 Competition Site Constraints, added text that explicitly restricts teams from laying pipe beyond their respective lot perimeters
- Revised 9.2a for clarity
- Simplified 9.2c for clarity
- Changed 11.6 Impound to 11.5 Village Occupancy and revised the text for clarity
- Other minor editorial changes and corrections